
Day 14 we decided our destination would be Squirrel Cove just a few miles away.  First though, we took a little detour to Teakerne Arm, northeast of Refuge.  Teakerne Arm has a great waterfall at the head of the bay but anchoring there is really tricky.  We wanted to spend the night there but after talking to fellow boaters and reading more it’s not a good idea.  You have to anchor in about 90 feet of water, holding is not good and we heard many people get there anchor stuck on all the cables loggers left in the water long ago.

We decided a pass through to see the falls from the boat would be our best bet.  The falls were really cool but I’m glad we didn’t try and anchor.  While we were at the falls, someone called on the VHF radio looking for a diver to come help free his anchor.  I guess the stories are true!

Back at Squirrel Cove we anchored but no stern tie this time.  It’s a huge anchorage with lots of awesome shoreline and many small islets throughout the bay.  The best part is the reversing rapids where the water flows into and out of a large lagoon.  At low tide the water flows out of the lagoon down hill forming rapids.  At high tide the opposite happens, with the rapids flowing into the lagoon.

Just outside of Squirrel Cove there is a small store and a restaurant.  Not wanting to cook another meal (its been 8 days of every meal on the boat) we took the dinghy to the restaurant for dinner.  It was fantastic food, way better than we expected.

After dinner we took the kayak down the rapids, into the lagoon.  Julie, Skylar and I all took our turn at floating down, then pulling the kayak back on the shoreline for another run. Skylar and I also just floated it in our lifejackets along with some other kids Skylar met. It was a blast!

There was a rope swing into the water right by our boat that at low tide was impossible but now was ready to go.  Skylar begged to go on it with the boy he met and we finally gave in.  It shot them really high in the air, made Julie and I sick every time they launched off it!