I Refuse

Tuesday Aug 19th – We are headed for Prevost Island, James Bay.  Another stop we have never been to, we were looking forward to a new anchorage.  10:30am we made the short 5.49nm hop over to the island arriving at 11:30am.

We found a good place to set the anchor then Skylar started fishing off the boat while Julie and I made lunch.  Right away Skylar caught a flounder, then another one, then the largest Bullhead I’ve ever seen!  He was having a blast – bring up fish after fish.

After hanging out at the small beach for a while and setting the crab pot, we dinghied in for a hike out to the point.  This was a fairly hard trail with lots of up and down, and rocky footing you really had to pay attention to.  Ava was quite the complainer but toughed it out.  The point was a lot further than we expected so after Ava refused to go any further we turned around and headed back.  This island is really cool – the landscape is much different than others in the area.

An evening pot pull revealed lots of crabs in the pot but all were just under legal – so we headed out in the dinghy for some sightseeing.  We cruised into a few of the other bays on the north end of the island just as the sun set.  Defiantly a place to come back to – these bays were well protected and surrounded by awesome landscape!