Leave My Kids Alone

SATURDAY June 27th– Moring we woke up and prepped the boat to take off.  Not sure of our exact destination but it was time for a more seclusion.  We headed south along the east side of San Juan Island then across the north end of Lopez to Spencer Spit.  After we tied up to a buoy we headed for shore in the dinghy to explore the narrow sand spit.

There was this crazy bird on the beach screeching at us as we walked along.  We couldn’t figure out what it was doing until we noticed a tiny nest right in the sand where everyone walks.  It was a really bad place to put her nest but four cute little eggs filled it up.  All the squawking was because she didn’t want four cute little crushed eggs.

We let Skylar take the dinghy out by himself.  He had a blast, cruising around for quite a while making big circles.  As the sun went down we went back to the beach for some paddleball and beachcombing.