Watmough Bay

SUNDAY – June 28th We left Spencer Spit with two potential destinations in mind – James Island or Watmough Bay on the south end of Lopez Island.  James Island is a little tiny island on the west side of Rosario Strait.  We have cruised past it many times but never stopped. This time the small dock was wide open so we decided to pull in. 

After getting tied up we all took off for a hike around the island.  The trail system was not clearly marked and paths seemed to go everywhere so we made our way around the island hoping we were going the right direction.  Beautiful views along the way looking out toward the mainland and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Back at the boat a little fishing boat came and said they had caught some salmon just a few hundred yards from the dock.  Although salmon season is closed (you have to throw them back) there was no stopping Skylar now.  Catching a huge salmon was all he could think about.  I had no choice but to prepare the fishing gear and dinghy to try our luck.  Just as we were ready to go it started raining.  It was actually kind of nice and refreshing but it didn’t last long.  We fished for just an hour or so with no luck.

After seeing the island and hanging out for a while we decided to take off and cruise to Watmough Bay, another spot we have never been to but heard it was awesome.  A short cruise we arrived to snag a buoy in the bay.  What a beautiful setting!  Huge rock cliffs on one side that came all the way down to the water and forest on the other.  We explored with a long dinghy ride and hung out on the beach for a while.  Tomorrow we will take the steep hike up the mountain.

Leave My Kids Alone

SATURDAY June 27th– Moring we woke up and prepped the boat to take off.  Not sure of our exact destination but it was time for a more seclusion.  We headed south along the east side of San Juan Island then across the north end of Lopez to Spencer Spit.  After we tied up to a buoy we headed for shore in the dinghy to explore the narrow sand spit.

There was this crazy bird on the beach screeching at us as we walked along.  We couldn’t figure out what it was doing until we noticed a tiny nest right in the sand where everyone walks.  It was a really bad place to put her nest but four cute little eggs filled it up.  All the squawking was because she didn’t want four cute little crushed eggs.

We let Skylar take the dinghy out by himself.  He had a blast, cruising around for quite a while making big circles.  As the sun went down we went back to the beach for some paddleball and beachcombing.


Relaxing in Roche


THURSDAY & FRIDAY June 25th & 26th – The next two nights were spent relaxing at Roche Harbor.  We all had a great time (the kids did not want to leave) eating out, swimming in the pool and walking the docks looking at all the boats.  We gave the boat a good cleaning inside and out and performed some maintenance items.  The Tolly Craft rendezvous was going on so it was fun looking at all the restored old Tollys.  We went on a fun 3.91-mile loop walk along Garrison Bay.  Along the way is a cool little distillery called San Juan Island Distillery.  They make hard cider using apples from their own orchard.  Some of it they sell and some they distill to make Gin and other spirits.

The weather this whole trip so far has been awesome – 70-80 degrees everyday and lots of sunshine.  We still can’t believe it’s the end of June.