Customs Makes Teeth Fall Out

Saturday August 26th – Today we are crossing the Strait of Juan De Fuca and making our way south to Port Townsand. Port Townsand doesn’t have a customs dock so a few days ago we requested that the local customs agent meet us at our slip at Point Hudson marina and clear us there. He had to get special authorization and request overtime because it a Saturday, lucky for us he got the go ahead.

Todd and Tami were right behind us so at least he would have two boats to clear. I called the agent on the phone just before our arrival. Just as we pulled into the marina Ava yelled out “I lost a tooth!”. If you want Ava to lose a tooth, just clear customs. This is the second time its happened. Last time I was on the radio with the customs agent when we heard the excited screaming.

After the easiest border crossing of our boating career we lowered the dinghy for a run around Point Hudson to Fort Warden park. We said our good byes to Todd and Tami as they continued on to Tacoma in time for school events starting soon. We had a great summer trip with them and their family!

Fort Warden has a nice sandy beach that we played and relaxed on for a couple hours then Julie and I abandoned the kids on the boat and went to town for a beer. The whole family had dinner at Doc’s Marina Grill that evening while we talked about all our adventures the last few weeks.