Thursday July 18th 2019 – We departed Princess Louisa at 6am to catch the 6:30am hopefully slack water at Malibu Rapids. The rain had slowed but the inlet was full of debris. This time we had calm water and zipped through the narrow passage no problem.
Just outside the rapids we spotted a fin in the distance, a shark fin! It wasn’t big enough to be a whale so of course it must be a shark. Pushing forward nothing came back up until all of the sudden off our starboard side there they were. Two or 3 baby Orcas playing in the water and a couple adults watching their kids play. They were so much fun to watch as they jumped out of the water and rolled around.
Long day of travel today. We just kept going all the way to Lund, a journey of 70nm. The Lund marina got us in, but it was packed. We didn’t have much choice, we needed groceries and to get rid of garbage. They had us stern in to the dock while rafting to another boat then jammed in another 5 or 6 sailboats in front of us. There was no way we were getting out anytime early in the morning, lots of boats would need to leave first.
After stocking up on groceries and treats from Nancy’s Bakery, we had dinner at the pub as the rain started to fall again. All night the rain dumped. Very weird weather this trip, so much rain.